i'm tired..
and i need to vent..
i need to sing...~!!
sometimes i think, why 同人不同命..
people apply for job, i also apply for job..
people get 1.5k,1.8k i get 1.1k..
people in band, i also in band.
people play so well, i play like shit..
simple rythum also cant read..
people talk, i also talk..
but why people say things very nice.
i say things also kana say back, even though i try my best to keep quiet liao..
do i really need to shut my mouth..
or i tink too highly of myself..
or i tink too much?
maybe my design really not as good as qin and kai, that's why i get 1.1k
maybe i dont have the talent in music, that's y i play not as good..
maybe my attitude really got problem, that's why i always say the wrong thing..
or it's just me..seems like everyone dont like me..
or, i'm just too competitive..
everything also want to win..
am i asking too much??
now that i'm REALLY stepping out to the working society,
i REALLY have to PIAH~!
Piah design skills, piah music skills, pass my driving asap..
i must JIA YOU~!!!!!!!!!
i believe 老天爷 wont treat me so badly,
every event happen for a reason,
i've to learn from all these events, to grow..
in design, in music, in driving, in socialising..
看开一点 =p
*i need to wax my legs..*