Chinese New Year sneaking itself in..w/o much notice..
and there it monday..
maybe coz i'm busy..i dont feel any CNY mood this year..
or i'm just getting old la....
i've sOoooOooo much things i want to complete..
okie..i'm Greedy..i know..scold me..
esp..about my future..i'm really Really..REALLY at a lost..
Graphic Communication? (3years dip +1 year degree)
>> super uber hard to get in..but i really like this course..
Multimedia Design? (1 year degree)
>> i cant cope with codings..but that's the only degree i qualify and i'm interested in
>>LoooOoooOng way to go.........
Continue working?
>>Look at the economy now......................................
actually, i kinda regreted i didnt insist on studying art school..
but..oh well.. it's over..
now..i've to think of an way out.. =)
Bo0ked my FTT..but i didnt apply PDL..
coz,i'm still unsure if i can drive..
at the rate that ran across the road and ''kana'' horned..
and have problems crossing the road..
Planning to take music theory this sept..
but..i've serious problems with rythum..
had a hard time trying to do grade 2 theory questions from practice book
Anyway..i wittness something happen..
and i realized COMPROMISE AND ACCOMODATION are 2 alright 3 big words
that very hard to learn.......
no matter with your own family, between friends, or in organisations..
the bigger the amount of people..the less strings attached..the harder to compromise..
and there will always be one bunch of people who are doing all the
'' SAI GANG''and there will always be this bunch of people who will be whining and whining..
complaining about this and that..why not do this..why not do that..
in the end you'll NEVER see them doing anything..
and HELLO~! by just moving your mouth aint helping you know..
seeing these..just make me soooo~!! Pissed~!
if you're the one doing all the "SAI GANG", look on the bright side..
you're learning and picking up skills that you might not notice..
if you're the ones that only move your mouth..
sometimes..i cant help but feel so unfair for those who're quietly doing back stage jobs..
but..oh well.. Life's Never Fair..
okie..enough of the fustration..
recently..i'm falling in love with
The whole album is nice..haha..
夏蝉用七年的等待 等待精彩
七天后 就不在了 Oh Yeah
达摩在寂寞的山崖 静止了九年的姿态
才换来一个门派 叫做禅宗 哀哉
轮到我自己 会唱点京剧 这不稀奇
还会弹钢琴 也能够跳BREAKING
但我了 人不能骄傲
成名在望 你我都想 比别人更强 而已
聪明加上努力 我想一定可以 为自己创造奇迹
成名在望 不跟谁比 就要做自己
不要任何怀疑 沿途太多惊喜 等你 去占领
孔老夫子实在委屈 才有论语
我读着 就泪流了 Oh
愚公移山要往那去 你是否有他坚定
别只会垂头丧气 就从现在开始 练习
先调整口气 来一段歌仔戏 非常容易
这样不刺激 再升一个KEY
这一次 要拼个过瘾
i wonder if i can create a miracle for myself???