i tell you.. it's SCARY~~!
its okie that they dont have lights at the high way..
its okie that the driver speed his way tru the high way.. almost kana caught..
but its not okie when he drive up genting..
the mountian is damn steep.. and damn curve..
he drive very slow.. to the extend tt it almost stop in the middle of the road.. =x
i didnt manage to get a wink during the journey..
i dont dare to.. i admit..
when i get down the coach..
its freaking cold..coz its 5am in the morning..
when the wind blow.. i was shivering~!
lolx..(see how weak i'm)
its 17 degrees mind you..
<== here's the evidence
Went to theme park the 2nd day.. and its all cloudy..
the fog.. or rather the clouds is under ur feet~!
This is when i juz step into the theme park..
this is like 2 hrs later.. at like 3pm?
cant really rem..lolx..
this is like 4++ 5 pm?
its tt bad and cold.. bRrrrr...
started with this lao dut dut car..
at 1st i tot need to drive it.. den..
i realise that .. i juz need to step on the accerator coz the car will follow the track..
i'll continue to update my blog tml..
today very tired.. woke up at 5.30am to go for graduation..
i need my beauty sleep..
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